Chapter 1
Differentiation- when I initially heard of this word I was thinking that it was going to be something about math and how we can put it in the classroom. I really didn’t think much of it until I we watched the show about Oprah opening the door for girls to go to school and gain an education. It was there that I realized that this was the class that I have wanted to take in a long time. It has already helped me understand or rather have some ideas as far as dealing with different student and their personal needs. Then I was able to read about the ideas behind it and to come to the conclusion that I need to gain all the tools necessary to adequately use them in my classroom; to really become an example of uniting a class and others.
The highlights that I enjoyed reading about were first, that I am the leader to teach to my students’ needs and that this does not have to be done in only one way but multiple ways. This stumped me, however, because I don’t know how to first come up with all the many ways to teach, second how to organize what I am doing for who and lastly if it is being helpful or not. Anyway, the second highlight I liked is that the possibilities are endless of helping students grow and learn. Love this because it is the reason as to why I want to be a teacher. We all want to make a difference and to help individuals to become who they want to be. I am looking forward to learning more about the hows so that I will be as prepared as possible in accomplishing a classroom of learning.
pp 120-162
Chapter 7
This explains so well the way I have been feeling lately about teaching. It is overwhelming looking at teaching as a complete picture. Knowing that students are in your classroom and that you are responsible for their success. One false move could change the rest of their life. Well, anything said like that could look overwhelming and difficult, but the quote that I used earlier says it all. It is just taking time to get to know the kids and to see who they are individually. Although, it takes more that just knowing, it is a great head start to everything else. In line with that, the book also says that living the simplest truths is seldom easy. They then continue by saying or rather encouraging us to not worry about it. I think that when we worry we overlook the simple joy that comes from just living and learning. We forget to see the small moments of success and then we choose to see the failure and hard times that do become overwhelming. So I am choosing right now not to be this way. But to stand tall, be confident, and to move forward without worrying. And to apply the above quote. To know the children and see all opportunities as a an opportunity to grow and learn. I just need an action plan, but I am in the process of putting that together. Wish me luck.